English Dragons Out book to be published on July 30, 2021
The English edition of Dragons Out book about software testing for children and adults will be published on the 30th of July, 2021. I'm currently contacting all those who preordered the English book to confirm their shipping addresses. Soon all will be able to enjoy the book! I would like to thank sincerely again all those who have helped me in the book publishing journey by preordering the book. Thank you very much! It has been a long, windy journey. The English publisher Austin Macauley took their time in publishing due to Covid-19 hurries. However, now I'm happy to have reviewed and approved their final proof of the book layout. Everything seems to be in order. Typos fixed, pictures on correct pages, the flow of the book working beautifully. It will be a good read! In fact, why don't you rate the book in Goodreads.com, come to speak of it! : ) The English edition reflects the Finnish book in many aspects. However, as the English language flows differently, in a more cond...