Front-page news in Keski-Häme newspaper

The New Year has started well for Dragons Out books. The book donation of 30 books to Tuulos Elementary School made front-page news in Keski-Häme newspaper. I drove to the school personally to hand out the books and discuss the book and learning software testing with Principal Antti Lamminpää of the School. I was pleasantly surprised to find the Keski-Häme journalist present to interview both of us. It would have been nice to see how kids react in getting the books, which was what I and the Principal planned originally, but the increase in Covid-19 cases spoiled that plan. Well, this was nice, too! Well done Mikko Kaloinen Foundation, who donated these books to Tuulos school! My humble thanks.

You can read the scan of the article at the end of this blog post, in Finnish. Link to Keski-Häme article is here.

Other news - my preorder stock of Finnish Dragons Out books is almost sold out. There are some copies left, and if you (or your company) buy them from me, you still get to participate in the school donation campaign I'll keep donating one book per three sold books. I'm also getting more book donation requests from schools, so it will be new schools that get the new donations. I'm in discussion with the Ministry of Education to hand a Diploma of Book Donations to the Minister, and the list of donating companies will be part of that Diploma. Looking forward to it.

Now I'm changing my sights to the English edition of the Dragons Out book. Proofreading done in December, next I look forward to hearing from my publisher Austin Macauley about the design phase of the book. It shouldn't be long!

Here's the scan of the Keski-Häme article.


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