Finnish publishing event thoughts

 Another milestone achieved! The Finnish publishing event was held today as an online event. If you wanted glamour and champagne... well, it was there. I think Adri's great illustration on the slides gave plenty of glamour, and also the achievement of getting the book out and getting plenty of great feedback has glamour of their own sort. As for the champagne, well, I opened my bottle of Prosecco and others did the same remotely. Still, raising a glass to the camera only doesn't feel the same as celebrating together and making toasts. Well, I have a good reason to organize another publishing party once this Covid-19 is over. 

I'm very thankful for the publisher Avain for believing in me and facilitating the birth of the book as well as for Adri for the great illustration - check out some more of her work here. Special thanks go of course also to all the IT companies donating the books to schools, and also to all the schools jumping into the opportunity to teach some software testing to students.

Anyway, I can share the publishing event to those who didn't make it - the recording is here. It has some useful information about the book project and software testing, as well as a secret exercise. Check it out!

After the recording of the official part of the event, we had some good discussion. Did I imagine being a writer before this project? Yes, it has been my dream for more than a decade, becoming a more clear vision year by year. Of course, a significant trigger was Linda Liukas's Hello Ruby book which made me think that children need some software testing education, too. That gave me a focus on what kind of software testing book to write. However, the first opportunity to write a software testing book was the Agile Testing Foundations book, where I was invited into the team of seven authors, and we wrote this great book (that is available in Amazon) in English. It felt pretty easy and so I started formulating my plan about how to create this software testing book for children.

Will there be a next book? Of course, I have thought about this and left the story at a point that enables a second book quite naturally. But I may also go into a direction of learning games first, using the same characters. We'll see. For now, my energies will go into getting the English edition of Dragons Out book published with the British publisher Austin Macauley.

I'll add the list of donating and supporting parties there. Thank you!

Suuret kiitokset lahjoittajille: Knowit, TietoEvry, Q-Factory, Vala Group, Tieturi, Qentinel, Testimate, Nitor Delta, Contribyte, Prove, Lekman Consulting, Finnish Software Measurement Association FiSMA ry, Codento, Veikkaus, Finnish Software Testing Board FiSTB ry, Alten, Akari Software, Laurimark Oy ja Mikko Kaloisen Säätiö. 

Kiitokset myös taustatuesta Tivi-lehti, Tieto- ja viestintätekniikan ammattilaiset TIVIA ry, Ohjelmisto- ja e-business ry, TestausOSY, MAOL.

Lisäksi jokaista kolmea ennakkotilattua kirjaa kohti kirjailija lahjoitti yhden kirjan lisää kouluihin.


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