Finnish article about book project and a book extract

I wrote an article about how the book project happened from start to this point! This one is in Finnish. The Finnish Association of Software Testing (FAST - Sytyke TestausOSY) published it in their Laatu and Testaus (Quality and Testing) magazine this week. Writing the article was a great exercise of looking back and looking into the future at the same time. I've reflected similar themes in my recent conference presentations. I also reflect what I've learned about how children learn, and specifically how they learn about software testing. If you want to take a look at the article and my book writing story, please read it in this link . I'll later have an English version out, for those who prefer that language. Bit of news: the Finnish version of the book is now in the printing house. I've just seen and reviewed the last proofs this week. It will be published on Dec 1, 2020, as announced. As for the English version, the tech edit stage of the English publisher is still ...