Heartwarming answers from schools

Over the course of the past few weeks I've been in intensified contact with Finnish schools (mainly concerning grades 5-9, so ages of 10-15). I've offered them the Dragons Out software testing for children book and teacher material donations from the IT industry. The reactions from the schools have been fantastic. I declared I was looking for schools that were already looking into the direction of information technology in one way or other. I learned about some amazing approaches they have that will fit the book well.

Let me highlight some of those answers anonymously just to give you an idea of the breadth of usage scenarios for the book and the teacher package. They fit with

  • students practising programming and lego robotics weekly
  • optional courses in information technology 
  • schools that often pilot new practices
  • schools where students study programming from grade 1
  • coding clubs
  • first-time approach to coding and testing
  • advanced coding students
  • robotics clubs
  • robotics classes
  • phenomena learning combining fantasy and mathematics
  • languages classes including mother language
  • friends of fantasy of which were are many
  • student tutoring activities
  • single classes on different grades
  • cooperation between different grades
  • cooperation between different schools
  • cooperation between different teaching subjects
All in all, I love the receipt of my message that schools can teach software testing along with software development. The schools I've now connected with think the book would fit their current teaching practices nicely. They are looking forward to using the book and the material.

Of course, expectations have to be met, so there is still some journey ahead. From pilot readers giving great feedback into getting volumes of real user experience is a great change. Thumbs up!

Anyway, thanks all the schools who are willing to use the book. And of course, thanks IT industry and all the buyers of the book for the donations. Keept them coming so we get more donations to the schools! The preorder link is active at https://www.dragonsout.com/p/preorder-dragons-out-book.html Buy some books!


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