School donation campaign of Dragons Out books - preorder now

On autumn 2020, I'm running a campaign where for each sold three copies of the Finnish version of the Dragons Out book I will donate one book to Finnish schools. For the English version of the book, I don't have a possibility of extra donation, but you can donate some of the books you buy to your local school. You could buy books for yourself, your child, friends, colleagues, stakeholder groups, anyone! Of course, you could also buy books directly for your local school. Deadline for the Finnish donation campaign is Oct 20, 2020, although you can, of course, preorder books also after that. Preorders by Dec 9, 2020, will be in time before Christmas. Why not make this year's Christmas present a nice Dragons Out testing & fantasy book? The publishing date of the Finnish book is Dec 1, 2020, so I'll be able to get the books to you in time for Christmas deliveries. For the English donation campaign, you can also preorder, but my publisher in the UK has not yet confirmed ...