Win a free ticket to EuroSTAR online and share this Dragons Out post

EuroSTAR offers me one giveaway ticket to EuroSTAR online testing conference on November 17-19, 2020. I will give it away to one of you, who will share this blog post in their social media networks. You'll remember that I will speak about How Children Learn Testing Through Stories at EuroSTAR on Wednesday, Nov 18. You can find the description of my talk here . I'll make a random draw amongst the people who shared this post in their LinkedIn or Twitter accounts. You'll need to include my LinkedIn or Twitter name so I'll learn about this : ). I'll do the draw on August 14 and inform about the winner through another blog post. The Dragons Out book about software testing for children is currently in tech edit. The English version is at publisher Austin Macauley and the Finnish version is at publisher Avain. The Finnish version has a planned release date of December 1, and the English version is hopefully around the same time, but to be confirmed. You can preorder the bo...