English publisher is.... Austin Macauley

After many nice discussions with publishers in the UK and USA, I finally got to choose from four good offers for publishing the English version of my Dragons Out book. I have now signed the publishing contract with Austin Macauley. https://www.austinmacauley.com/ . I am very impressed by their work in many genres, including children's fiction and non-fiction. They also have great marketing approach internationally, which is what I really want for my book. The work detailed in the contract will produce hardcover books, softcover books, e-books and audio-books. I believe that with Austin Macauley the message of software testing for children's awareness through my innovative genre-breaking stories of dragons and knights fantasy and software testing literature will be spread as widely as possible. Of course, I will still need the help of all my readers (adult or child), parents, schools, companies, associations. I'll thank you already now for spreading the information. S...