The team that created Dragons Out book

This is a slightly edited republish of the Dragons Out team introduction from the Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign page. The team is, of course, me as the author and Adri as the illustrator. Read on to learn more about our background.

I am well versed in writing in both English and Finnish. I am a co-author of the Agile Testing Foundations book responsible for 1/7 of the book content. I am a fluent blog writer in Finnish and English, which you can see from the links at my home page Professionally, as a consultant, I also get to write very often some extremely comprehensive reports in Finnish and English.

I have dedicated my professional life to bringing better testing into the world. Most of all this is visible via my volunteer activity as the elected Secretary of ISTQB, the largest software testing association in the world, based in Brussels, Belgium. Previously I acted as the Treasurer of ISTQB. I am also a founding member of Finnish Software Testing Board (a member of ISTQB). I was the Chairman of FiSTB for eight years. Currently, I am the Treasurer of FiSTB.

My paid work for over twenty years has been about training and consultancy in the areas of software testing, agile, and DevOps. Currently, I work at Knowit in this capacity. I have delivered more than a thousand training days over the years. I have realized I have a knack at getting people to learn even with little IT background. I am also a well-known conference speaker.

I was the first person with software testing background to make it to the distinguished list of 100 most influential people in IT in Finland in 2010, published every year by Tivi. I have Master's degree in Industrial Management and IT from Aalto University.
A message from Illustrator Adri
Hi! I am Adrienn Széll, a Hungarian "Visual Communicator" in Finland. I graduated as an animation filmmaker in 2003 at Hungarian University of Applied Arts (MOME). I worked as animator for years, after that I was an online graphic designer at Sanoma Publishing, Budapest. After my daughter was born, I started to make illustrations for magazines and books and draw my own ideas, too.

The fantasy of children (well, and some adults, too) is limitless. This is why it is so exciting to educate them through their imagination. The Dragons Out! is definitely an entertaining book that also gives interesting and useful knowledge to the reader.My portfolio can be found at

Background stuff
You might want to see Kari delivering a presentation


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