Testing in one team - sample from Chapter 2

Today, I'd like to share a bit of Chapter 2 with all of you. Before that some news. I have interesting discussions going on with both English and Finnish publishers. Let's see which publishers I end up with. As for the pictures in the book, priority 3 illustration is almost done. Here is one. And now, to the sample text from Chapter 2. Enjoy! There was also a little boy, Tom. He had come to Forest Castle to spend the summer with his Aunt Rachel. His parents were busy this summer, so Tom’s mother had persuaded her sister to take care of Tom in the summer months. Tom spent his time playing with other children at the palisade. The logs formed a fine maze to play tag or hide and seek. There were holes here and there through which a small child could squeeze. Awesome secret doors in the maze! However, when Tom saw the knights arrive, he found a new interest. The knights' shiny armor and sharp weapons were nice to admire. Tom began to spend his days near the knights. ...